Hello folks! Good to see you back. Last time I mentioned something as “Neurotransmitter”, followed by that I also told you that ‘it’s all about the chemical locha!’ Everything happening inside your brain and body is the result of these special chemicals in the brain. They are compounds reacting with specific compounds to initiate required cascades. It might seem chaotic and difficult to understand but it is not. Think of them as “keys”….keys to open specific lock so that we can open doors. Doors are neurons/cells and locks are called as receptors. Well well…you are one of the few to know the gist of neuroscience.
All your decisions, emotions and actions are carried out by the means of neuro-transmitters! They transmit signals/impulses…they either excite neurons to perform or restrict them. Basically, these chemicals decide your course of action and that action leads to further secretion. For an example, eating your lunch….you eat because you feel hungry…you feel hungry because hormone named ‘Ghrelin’ is secreted in your body….while you are eating many digestive hormones are secreted (upon secretion of neuropeptide CCK)….when this CCK (Cholecystokinin) is released you also get a feeling of being “full”…so you stop eating. Wonderful isn’t it? You have got hormones to make you feel hungry and make you stop eating. Mind well, eating is the basic need and activity you perform in a day…what about your other daily activities? Do you still think you make every decision on your own? LOL I do not mean to scare you but think for yourself. We are just living! We do not need to put so much effort to ‘just live’….but we do to ‘be alive’. There are 4 main hormones that can make us feel alive …these happy neurotransmitters are …Dopamine, Serotonin, Endorphins and Oxytocin. WOW! Isn’t this fascinating? Are we only meant to exist to fill our stomach? Only to survive and revive our species? Definitely not! So get up and do something on your own…something apart from your basic needs…something that will give you a kick (naturally! For synthetic kick consume substances at your own risk….but don’t!). Exercise, learn new skills, fall in love, take risks, practice art and meditation….if not, get pregnant and have a baby! Think of something! If you want to secrete happy neurotransmitters you got to work for it! Live a little. Be alive.