Hey people! I just could not decide on what to write in today’s blog. My brain just went blank! It’s funny how often we use this term. What does it really mean? Going blank? From my personal experience and by the scientific definition, it is the state of absence of thoughts, emotions, and ideas. It's like you are only occupied by the loudness of the silence. Interesting thing is, your brain is craving to have this “thoughtless state”. Do you know how our computer goes ‘hang’ if overused? It is the same for the brain. If you are troubling your brain and or juggling so many emotions or piling up unresolved sentiments, the brain be like “Give me some break”….if you still don’t obey the command… the brain becomes the “ass” it is and shuts down everything involuntarily…and just goes unconscious. It starts craving for more sleep, it is lazy to process new information (obviously because it is occupied processing the piled up info), it sucks away joy from everything…..basically you become Luke and your brain The Darth Vader….calling you, again and again, to choose “the dark side”….
On the contrary, those who meditate, often experience this thoughtless state. Instead of the brain becoming Vader, it becomes Yoda. They feel empowered, enlightened, and positive. The Yoda brain opens one's subconscious self and helps one become the Jedi. As you might know, these extreme “dark” and “light” sides are the two sides of one coin. Your brain emits certain wavelengths in both states. One is being “thoughtless” and another is being “thoughtless awareness”. The one side yields “I don’t know who I am anymore” feeling and the other one “I perfectly know myself and what I want” feeling. When you experience the dark side, the alpha wavelength is emitted and on the light side the emitted brain wavelength is the delta….alpha can progress into delta and delta can revert to alpha…Just how Vader was once a Jedi. Fun facts, babies and infants appear to be in an alpha state meaning sleeping but most of the time they emit delta waves. What! Does that mean we all are by default born as Jedi? Yet how do we incline towards the dark side now and then? Do we make this choice consciously? I guess we can just move on by saying “Jeena isika naam hai”!
Let me assure you that brain wave science is real and not a made-up thing. EEG, electro-encephalon-gram technique provides all the proof you need. These waves are much more complex than what I have explained here…will continue it in the next blog. Until then, choose your side…May the force be with you!
Mast Nupur