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Writer's pictureNupur Mahadeokar

We are BACK!


Congratulations! You are one amongst the few who decided to stick to this journey. Also congratulations to my sister for fulfilling nature’s duty by bringing a beautiful little lady boss in the house! For those who don’t know, procreation aka reproduction is every living being’s most important purpose….rest is just BS that life throws at you and you try to navigate life for survival.

On a lighter note, We are entering into a new zone this week. “The Backyard”……yes! Your backyard is where your spinal cord is situated. Think of your body as a large kingdom….much like the 7 realms of Game of Thrones. If the brain is the Westros you still have got remaining important realms like the Riverlands, the Vale, the Westerlands, etc. why do you need realms and separate rulers? Correct, to manage and coordinate the population properly. You have got your back and the spinal cord has got your brains back for the exact same reason! It helps the brain keep a tab on the distal ends of your body. They even have 2 separate systems….CNS and PNS. NS is for ‘Nervous System’…..the one which includes brain/cranium is “Central Nervous System” and one having the presence of Spinal Cord is “Peripheral Nervous System”. Let’s have an introduction to your body’s prime minister- The Spinal Cord.

The spinal cord, as the name suggests is around a 40-50cm long cord, running from the brain stem to the end of your back. Just like the brain’s protective covering- the skull, the spinal cord has 33 vertebrae forming a vertebral column. Have you ever felt that hard bony structure at the apex of your neck? That’s C1, Cervical vertebrae no.1. Followed by are the Thoracic, Lumbar, and Sacral parts of the vertebral column, ending with the coccyx your tail bone. This prime minister has got 31 pairs of spinal nerves. These nerves are spread across your whole body collecting information and or delivering orders. Guys! This Spinal Cord is not only slender and curvy but it is useful too! It’s like this hot and resourceful lady friend you’ve got(*wink*). The one who supports you no matter what, the one who has got high reflexes, the one who feeds your brain information and helps you grow. More about this beauty with brains(!) in the upcoming blogs, until then keep your head high and back straight!

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5 Kommentare

Sharad Kulkarni
Sharad Kulkarni
25. Aug. 2021

Good that you are covering this, most of the readers, hopefully under 30, will need to be most careful about this "backyard" as that is what will be the first casulty to your life style. Unfortunately the corrective efforts will be very time consuming and may be painful.

Looking forward to the next episodes

Congratulations on the arrival of the lady boss.😍

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Nupur Mahadeokar
Nupur Mahadeokar
25. Aug. 2021
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Yes indeed! Back problems are very common in young adults these days and the significant cause is improper sitting and sleeping styles. Back aches and back problems have only increased over the years.

Appreciate you for reading a blog and sharing a comment!

Thank you!😀

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Unknown member
24. Aug. 2021

Reading your blog got me thinking.. As the spinal cord helps the brain to keep a tab on the distal ends of our body so is it truth enough to consider that the spinal cord can work independently without receiving any signals from brain to perform any task? For instance, movement of muscles🤔🤔. It might sound vague but is it possible?

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Nupur Mahadeokar
Nupur Mahadeokar
25. Aug. 2021
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Interesting idea Prateek! But the answer is NO. Spinal cord is the secondary commander in hand while the primary is the brain. We can call the brain higher processing unit and SC as lower processing unit. Two units are to be working together to get the best output possible. In certain scenarios, spinal cord alone can take decisions. Example, when you touch an extreme hot surface you retract your hand time for higher processing cause it's the red alert for the body...this is known as "Reflex Action". As for movement of muscles, motor pathways and motor neurons (remember the paani puri blog) are in place. UMN, Upper motor neurons are situated in the brain, whereas LMN- Lower Motor Neurons…

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Unknown member
24. Aug. 2021

Quite informative Nupur!! Keep it up.

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